Today we went to a South African church service. Almost the entire thing was in Zulu, so I couldn't understand most of the service. I could still feel God working through me, though. Everyone sang so loud and clear, and everyone could harmonize so well, even though they probably didn't have training. All in all, it was amazing.
We also had lunch at Pastor Khumalo's house, which was fancy. I had plain rice with beef, carrots, and a chicken thigh. It tasted so good. They even had dessert made for us, and it was vanilla pudding with a wafer in it. And some bananas and orange jello. It was absolutely delicious!

Everyone after that got in the car (and did I mention that South Africans drive on the wrong side of the road like British people? It kept freaking me out 'cause I would forget...) and we drove to an area where there were old traditional buildings where Christians sought out refuge to escape persecution. We also saw some old South African huts, and I crawled into a few of them! I was fun until I realized there were hives of wasps in them...

Later we hiked up a short trail behind an old church that looked really cool in the inside. There was a raised pulpit inside the church, and there were little bits of stained glass in the windows.
At the end of the trail we saw a large fort which the Christians used as a defense from their enemies. There was only one door, and there were two large open areas, the first section used to hold people, and the second section held animals. There also was a lookout where we got to see the area from a higher view point. God gave us a beautiful gift, sunset at the end of the day, and the effect was beautiful.